In theory, riding a bicycle should not be any riskier than riding inside a car, taking the bus, or using any other means of transportation. In practice, though, there are far too many instances each year of negligent drivers colliding with and seriously injuring bicyclists in California.
If a reckless or careless driver hits you while riding your bike, you have a right to demand compensation from them. A qualified Sunnyvale bicycle accident lawyer at Solution Now Law Firm could help you effectively pursue a legal claim. In situations like this, assistance from our capable injury attorneys could be key not just to proving that someone else is legally to blame for your injuries, but also to showing that you were not.
Compared to someone enclosed in a motor vehicle with a seatbelt on and other safety features around them like airbags, bicyclists are completely exposed to the full force of external impacts—except for maybe a bicycle helmet that can help spare them from certain types of head trauma. Unfortunately, this means it is very common for bicyclists struck by negligent drivers to suffer painful and long-lasting injuries such as:
Any injury stemming from this sort of incident that is serious enough to require professional medical treatment could be the basis for a civil lawsuit, which in turn could allow recovery for both economic and non-economic damages such as:
Support from a knowledgeable Sunnyvale bicycle accident attorney can be extremely helpful when identifying and valuating recoverable losses in a particular situation.
Even though bicyclists involved in traffic accidents are much more likely to get seriously injured than the drivers who ran into them, California civil courts do not automatically assign fault for these incidents to drivers. In various scenarios, bicyclists could be partially or even primarily to blame for an accident. For instance, if they disobeyed traffic laws themselves or swerved in front of a car suddenly before the driver had time to stop.
When the court finds that a bicyclist is partially at fault for an accident, it may reduce the compensation the bicyclist can recover through a successful claim. This reduction is usually proportional to the percentage of “comparative fault” the bicyclist holds compared to the other party(s) they are suing. This is another area of bicycle accident litigation where guidance from our skilled Sunnyvale lawyers could be essential to fighting allegations of an injured cyclist’s fault and achieving the best possible case result.
Getting into a bike accident involving a multi-ton motor vehicle is almost always going to disrupt your life for weeks and potentially months afterward. When someone else is to blame, they should be the one who pays financially for your ensuing injuries and losses.
Reach out to a Sunnyvale bicycle accident lawyer at Solution Now Law Firm to get the dedicated legal representation you deserve. Our attorneys are committed to helping you seek justice in your case. Contact us today.
Solution Now Law Firm