When riding your bike, you must follow certain bicycle safety and preventative measures in Sunnyvale to avoid a serious accident. Motorists can act negligently on the road, causing accidents and severe injuries. Luckily, precautions like wearing a helmet and reflective gear can lower a rider’s risk of serious injuries, so it is crucial to follow the safety rules.
When you are injured in a bicycle accident, you can hold the driver who hit you responsible. One of our bicycle accident attorneys could help you pursue a claim through the negligent party’s insurance company and take the case to court if necessary. Read on to learn more about ways to protect you and your loved ones.
For many, cycling is an enjoyable form of exercising, commuting, or getting some fresh air. Yet, every day, cyclists are injured because of careless drivers. Cars and bikes must share the road, but there are important ways cyclists can stay safe when riding their bikes. Adult riders do not have to wear helmets but should still wear them while cycling. Head trauma can cause life-threatening complications and wearing protective gear is the easiest way to protect yourself.
In addition, identifying potential hazards is one of the most important ways a cyclist can stay diligent on the road. Some common hazards posing a risk to riders include:
Riders have similar obligations as motorists regarding driving under the influence. Cyclists are prohibited from riding while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you are involved in a bicycle accident, seek medical attention for any injuries and contact an experienced Sunnyvale personal injury attorney about the safety and preventative measures.
Another way riders can stay safe is to familiarize themselves with the state’s bicycle laws. Knowing your legal rights and obligations when cycling can protect you and other vehicles. Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as ordinary motorists. They must ride close to the right of the road and reduce their speed based on traffic, just as motorists are obligated to give riders the right of way and to share the road. However, motorists are not always mindful. Distracted or impaired drivers frequently collide with cyclists.
It is also important to familiarize oneself with the state’s bicycle helmet laws. Riders under age 18 must always wear a helmet and can be fined for failing to do so, as it is the most important measure of bicycle safety in Sunnyvale.
While it is crucial for bicyclists to take safety and preventative measures to avoid accidents, negligent motorists can still cause harm. When you are injured in an accident and are following the bicycle safety and preventative measures in Sunnyvale, you have rights. We could advise you of your options for financial compensation and help you pursue a claim.
At Solution Now Law Firm, our attorneys are highly experienced and understand how insurance companies operate. We work on a contingency basis, so there is no cost to you unless we win. To learn more about your right to financial compensation, contact our office.
Solution Now Law Firm