Sunnyvale Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Sunnyvale Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Becoming paralyzed is a life-altering experience, no matter how it happens or who is to blame. When it comes to recovering financially for the losses your paralyzing injury will cause you, though, it does matter how the accident happened and who is responsible.

When someone else’s irresponsible actions leave you with a permanent and physically debilitating injury, you have limited time to pursue the compensation you deserve. After you receive appropriate medical treatment to stabilize your condition, contacting a qualified Sunnyvale paralysis injury lawyer should be one of your top priorities. Our seasoned catastrophic injury attorneys at Solution Now Law Firm could collect evidence to prove another party’s fault and build a strong compensation claim for all your injury-related losses.

Defining Paralysis as a Catastrophic Injury

Paralysis is the partial or total loss of sensory and motor function in a particular part or area of the body. When paralysis stems from a traumatic accident, the medical source of the condition is most often damage to the spinal cord. This results in the brain being cut off from every part of the central nervous system below the injury site on the spine. Depending on where an injury of this nature occurs and how “complete” it is, the resulting paralysis may take the form of paraplegia in the lower limbs and lower torso or quadriplegia of all four limbs and the entire torso.

Alternatively, paralysis can sometimes result from brain trauma or localized nerve damage caused by a severe burn or deep laceration, in which case it may take forms other than paraplegia or quadriplegia. For example, nerve damage may cause monoplegia in a single arm or leg. Certain types of brain trauma may result in hemiplegia or paralysis in either the entire left or right side of the body. Support from an experienced Sunnyvale paralysis injury attorney could be critical to recovering comprehensively from all the negative effects of any type of paralysis, including:

  • Medical bills
  • Loss of consortium
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Partial or permanent disability
  • Home or vehicle modifications
  • Physical and psychological pain
  • Costs of ongoing rehabilitative treatment
  • Lost work income or future earning capacity

Possible Obstacles to Comprehensive Recovery

Even though paralysis is almost always a permanent injury, people who sustain this harm through another person’s negligence do not have unlimited time to take legal action. California Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1 limits prospective personal injury plaintiffs to just two years after an initial injury to file a civil suit, regardless of how long the consequences of their injury are expected to last.

Additionally, courts in California have the authority to reduce a claimant’s financial award if they bear any fault for the accident leading to their injury. There are also some unique restrictions on recovery for non-economic damages by uninsured drivers injured in Sunnyvale auto crashes, which our knowledgeable paralysis injury lawyers could explain in further detail, if applicable.

A Sunnyvale Paralysis Injury Attorney Could Help You Recover

Anyone who acts irresponsibly and causes another person to become permanently paralyzed should be held accountable for every negative consequence their actions have. Unfortunately, doing so is not easy.

A dedicated Sunnyvale paralysis injury lawyer at Solution Now Law Firm could give you the custom-tailored guidance needed to secure the best possible result from your lawsuit or settlement demand. Call today to schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled legal professionals.

Solution Now Law Firm

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