Taxi Accidents in San Mateo

Taxi Accidents in San Mateo

Modern rideshare services like Uber and Lyft have revolutionized the transportation industry nationwide. Despite this, traditional taxi services continue to operate successfully in many places, especially in areas with nearby airports. Similar to rideshare drivers, though, taxi drivers can sometimes drive irresponsibly, putting themselves, their passengers, and everyone around them at risk of severe physical harm.

If you have been hurt in a taxi accident, you may be eligible to seek financial restitution from the parties responsible. Our credible auto collision lawyers have experience handling cases involving taxi accidents in San Mateo and could help you file a claim. Even if you are unsure whether you want to pursue legal action, the knowledgeable team at Solution Now Law Firm could answer your questions and help you determine the best course of action for your situation.

Determining Liability for a Taxi Crash

Because taxi drivers transport passengers for payment, they have a heightened duty of care compared to regular commuters, requiring them to act responsibly to prevent injuries to their passengers and others. Consequently, it is possible to take legal action against a cab driver who causes harm to their passenger due to negligence, even without a traffic collision. For example, if a driver accelerates too quickly and causes their passenger to fall while entering the cab, they may be held liable.

Alternatively, it is also possible to hold taxi companies vicariously liable for their drivers’ misconduct, which is rarely possible in rideshare accidents. Our lawyers could also help individuals pursue litigation against third parties whose negligence contributed to taxi crashes in San Mateo, such as a driver who rear-ended a stopped taxi while speeding.

Filing a Claim Within Legal Deadlines

To recover civil compensation after taxicab accidents in San Mateo, plaintiffs must prove, with a preponderance of evidence, that one or more specific individuals were at fault. To strengthen a claim, it is vital to gather evidential support from various sources. Critical types of evidence include:

  • Eyewitness testimonies
  • Photos or videos of the crash scene and vehicle damage
  • Surveillance, traffic, or dashboard camera footage of the accident
  • Records from the taxi company detailing the driver’s history and background

Our attorneys could assist in collecting and utilizing all relevant information in addition to assigning a group of experts to help build a robust claim. They could also ensure necessary documentation is filed within the strict two-year filing deadline set by California Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1.

Learn About Your Legal Options After a Cab Accident in San Mateo

Being injured in a car crash that was not your fault is always stressful. It can be especially traumatic when you are just a passenger in a vehicle driven irresponsibly by someone else. Unfortunately, taxi accidents in San Mateo occur more frequently than many realize, often leading to life-altering injuries.

Taking legal action after an accident can be crucial to protecting your long-term best interests. At Solution Now Law Firm, we take a client-centric approach, offering streamlined communication through our main phone number, so you have 24/7 legal support. For rapid turnaround and dedicated lawyers advocating on your behalf, call our office today.

Solution Now Law Firm

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SAN JOSE, CA 95126
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