Overloaded/Overweight Truck Accidents in Sunnyvale

Overloaded/Overweight Truck Accidents in Sunnyvale

When trucks and commercial vehicles carry cargo loads beyond safe limits, they increase the risk of overloaded/overweight truck accidents in Sunnyvale that can cause severe injuries. If you or a loved one was injured in an overloaded truck collision, you may have the right to seek compensation for your damages.

Our determined truck accident attorneys at Solution Now Law Firm represent people injured in truck collisions and could pursue maximum compensation from all liable parties. We prioritize effective case management, striving for settlements that help you get compensated quickly, so you may begin recovery.

Factors that Can Increase the Risk of Overloaded/Overweight Truck Wrecks

Accidents involving overloaded trucks could occur under various road conditions and circumstances. A routine drive can suddenly turn dangerous if a nearby truck is carrying too much weight, increasing the likelihood of a crash. Some factors that could result in overloaded truck wrecks in Sunnyvale may include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Mechanical failures
  • Improperly secured cargo
  • Inclement weather conditions
  • Sudden turns or lane changes

Following a collision, determining whether a truck’s weight was a contributing factor may be initially challenging. It is essential to document the events leading up to the accident, thoroughly noting any signs indicating the truck was overweight, such as warning labels or cargo descriptions.

Assigning Fault to Different Parties in an Overweight Truck Collision

California has strict rules and requirements for trucks throughout the state. Weight restrictions are based on the truck’s length, number of axles, and the type of road. Violations of these rules could form the basis for liability of the vehicle’s owner or operator when an overloaded vehicle is responsible for an accident. In addition to a negligent truck driver or their employer, the company responsible for loading and weighing the vehicle could also be at fault for a subsequent accident.

It is common for multiple parties to be at fault for an overweight truck collision in Sunnyvale, including another driver injured in the accident. For example, a driver could bear partial fault if they were speeding, driving under the influence, or committing another wrongful act in violation of California’s Vehicle Code. The state’s comparative fault rule may apply in these cases, reducing the compensation an injured person can receive by their percentage of fault for the accident.

Settlements for an Overloaded 18-Wheeler Accident

Cases for Sunnyvale overloaded truck accidents may become especially complex if there are issues surrounding comparative fault or disputes over damages. It can be difficult to understand the total compensation available or the risks of proceeding to trial without the guidance of a knowledgeable injury attorney.

The lawyers at Solution Now Law Firm draw on their past work experience at insurance companies and handling past cases to provide clients with realistic expectations about potential damages and settlement limits. The severity of an injury, personal factors, and the circumstances of an overweight truck crash may impact a party’s claim for compensation. With this information, clients can make informed decisions about accepting a settlement and obtaining closure against a liable party.

Meet With Our Sunnyvale Heavy Load Truck Accident Attorneys at Solution Now Law Firm

Solution Now Law Firm aims to provide excellent service to individuals injured in an overweight truck accident in Sunnyvale. Our diligent lawyers have a quick turnaround due to taking on a limited number of cases. We assign a team of experts to every case and offer streamlined communication, including texting our main phone number, allowing our clients to stay informed about the status of their case settlement. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Solution Now Law Firm

Solution Now Law Firm N/a

SAN JOSE, CA 95126
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