Texting While Driving Car Accidents in Sunnyvale

Texting While Driving Car Accidents in Sunnyvale

While we are commonly warned against texting and driving, many ignore this vital safety practice, endangering the lives of those around them. As one of the more populated areas in the San Francisco region, Sunnyvale sees high traffic and many collisions, often caused by cell phone use.

Texting while driving car accidents in Sunnyvale are a severe problem that the car crash attorneys at Solution Now Law Firm contend with regularly. When you or your loved one has been hurt in a crash caused by distracted driving, call our firm today to pursue your deserved compensation.

Causes of Texting While Driving Crashes

Texting is not the only cause of cell-phone-related crashes in Sunnyvale. Usage of any smart device while operating a vehicle on public roadways can lead to dangerous crashes. Examples of how these accidents can happen include:

  • Reviewing notes
  • Texting while driving
  • Searching for a phone number
  • Searching the web while driving
  • Using GPS on a handheld device
  • Reading emails or visual voicemail messages
  • Operating work-related applications while driving
  • Attempting to place orders or shop while operating a vehicle

Regardless of the exact cause of a texting while driving crash, injured parties have a right to compensation. A seasoned attorney could explain the legal requirements of a car crash claim in more detail.

Proving a Case After a Distracted Driving Crash

To be adequately compensated for one’s injuries, victims of distracted driving accidents must establish evidence of:

  1. The other driver causing the collision
  2. The collision specifically caused injuries
  3. The full extent of those injuries
  4. How much the responsible driver should have to pay to make it right

Often, attorneys use subpoenas and other strategies to prove that someone was on their phone or distracted. Likewise, many phone companies and smartphone applications now store driving habits and events data. However, accessing this type of evidence to prove someone in Sunnyvale was texting while driving when they caused the accident can be difficult without the help of an injury lawyer familiar with these accidents.

Considerations Before Speaking With an Insurance Company

It is important to understand that insurance adjusters are not on your side after an accident, and it is best to avoid speaking with insurers without a lawyer present. A dedicated Sunnyvale attorney could negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf after a texting while driving wreck, but it is still wise to be aware of certain best practices.

Never Admit Fault

It is human nature to apologize and take responsibility after an accident, but this is a legal matter, and admitting liability can hurt your chances of getting compensated later.

Seek Medical Care Promptly

Some injuries can take weeks to show up and start hurting. The longer someone waits for treatment, the harder it is to prove that the driving while texting accident was the cause of the injuries.

Take Pictures and Collect Evidence

Securing as much paperwork as possible from the police who respond to the crash could be vital for your claim. Often, a few simple photos from the scene can help an attorney later prove who was at fault, and pictures can even be proof of distracted driving.

Deadlines To Remember After a Driving While Texting Wreck

In most cases, an injured person has two years to file a lawsuit against the driver who caused the accident. However, there are some limited situations where that deadline can be as short as six months.

Talk to a Sunnyvale Lawyer About a Texting While Driving Car Accident Claim

When you are injured because of a driver’s reckless, careless, and negligent actions, you deserve compensation for the harm they caused. Do not hesitate to consult a lawyer who handles distracted driving accidents in Sunnyvale before attempting to settle or negotiate directly with an insurance company.

At Solution Now Law Firm, we bring years of experience to auto accident cases and assign experts to every case we take on. Call or text our main phone number to set up an initial meeting with our lawyers.

Solution Now Law Firm

Solution Now Law Firm N/a

SAN JOSE, CA 95126
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