A lack of driving experience and a tendency to engage in reckless behavior makes teen drivers substantially more likely to be involved in traffic accidents. On top of that, being involved in a wreck caused by a teenage driver can complicate the process of seeking fair compensation for losses stemming from the crash.
Guidance from experienced legal counsel could be vital to building the strongest claim possible and pursuing effective recovery after teen driving accidents in San Jose. With a knowledgeable car accident attorney on your side, you could have a much better chance of identifying who may bear fault for a crash, receiving the restitution for your recoverable losses, and avoiding common legal challenges that often keep unrepresented plaintiffs from getting the case results they deserve.
In California, people under 18 cannot obtain a learner’s permit or driver’s license unless their parent or guardian signs their application. This signature is not just a formality but also an acknowledgment that the parent is legally liable for any harm their teenager might cause in the event of an accident. This liability often falls on parents regardless of whether they gave their child permission to drive the vehicle or knew they were driving at all.
In other words, parents and guardians of teen drivers in San Jose bear “vicarious liability” for any accidents their children cause through reckless or careless behavior. In a practical sense, this means parents typically bear liability for crashes through their auto insurance policy rather than their child purchasing their own policy for a separate vehicle. A skilled attorney could help determine what recovery options may be possible in a particular situation.
If a teen driving accident in San Jose only results in property damage and/or minor physical injuries, filing a claim against the teen driver, and in most cases, their parents’ insurance coverage, may be sufficient to cover vehicle repairs, medical expenses, and related costs like rental car fees. In more serious situations, a personal injury lawsuit may allow recovery for a wider variety of damages, including:
Insurance companies will often make substantial efforts to minimize their liability after accidents. There are also strict filing deadlines and other possible restrictions on recovery, which are hard to overcome alone. Assistance from experienced legal counsel could be vital for any action after a teen driving wreck.
Teen drivers are statistically more likely to be negligent on the road than adult drivers. Legal minors are also less likely to have the personal assets and income to cover the losses a serious auto accident could cause. Fortunately, you may have other options for recovery besides suing a teenager directly, and professional legal representation could be vital to determining your next steps.
After a teen driving accident in San Jose, speaking with a car accident attorney about your possible routes toward recovery should be a high priority. Schedule a consultation by calling today. Our team at Solution Now Law Firm is ready to get to work for you.
Solution Now Law Firm