Types of Spinal Cord Injuries in San Jose

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries in San Jose

As people go about everyday activities, they usually do not put too much thought into their back. The spine creates the support for much of the body, and the spinal cord plays a huge role by relaying nerve signals to and from the brain.

An injury to the spinal cord, such as from a serious accident, can impair or cut off functioning of the body, and different types of spinal cord injuries in San Jose can have various negative effects on a person’s health and livelihood. Our experienced spinal cord injury attorneys at Solution Now Law Firm can bring individualized attention and expertise to a spinal cord injury victim’s claim for compensation.

Causes and Effects of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries can occur because of damage to or even severing nerves. Powerful and sudden impacts can damage these nerves, such as motor vehicles. Even a slip and fall could cause a spinal cord injury if the impact with the ground or other object is hard enough.

The severity and result of a spinal cord injury can depend largely on location and degree. Where the damage to the nerves occurs can cause certain parts of the body to be affected, from the top down. There are a few regions of the spine used to classify location:

  • Cervical: neck and head
  • Thoracic: upper chest, back, and abdomen
  • Lumbar: legs and hips, walking ability
  • Sacral: back of legs, hips, and buttocks

An injury to one of these areas can cause issues below that point, which is why an injury to the cervical region can result in quadriplegiaparalysis of everything below the neck. A similar injury to the lumbar region, however, might only affect the legs and hips, leaving the chest and arms able to retain their function.

Degree of Injury

The degree of an injury will also play a role, as spinal cord injuries can be complete or incomplete. An incomplete injury may only affect some function, impairing a victim’s mobility rather than ending it, whereas a complete injury can often destroy function entirely.

Depending on the type of spinal cord injury, different levels of medical care may be needed, including long-term care and rehabilitation. A San Jose attorney could help a victim document their injuries and care with the goal of getting compensation.

Claims Based on Spinal Cord Injuries

A claim for compensation based on a spinal cord injury might be based in negligence, if the injury came from an accident in San Jose. Negligence holds people legally responsible for when their unreasonable actions cause injuries to others, even if unintentional.

A claim might begin as a lawsuit, or it might be a claim to an insurance company, but in either case, showing the fault of the responsible party is incredibly important. An injured victim needs to be able to show who was negligent and how, as well as what damages they are claiming for compensation (medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, among others, need to be clearly articulated).

Understanding the type of spinal cord injury and its cause can come from medical records and the scene of the accident, but gathering evidence of fault can require more effort. Lawyers could interview eyewitnesses, obtain surveillance footage, and put together the pieces of a claim on a victim’s behalf while they recover.

File Within the Statute of Limitations

Timing is also an important part of a compensation claim, as waiting too long can prevent a claim from being made at all. Personal injury claims need to be filed within two years, as required by California Code of Civil Procedure §335.1. Even if a claim is being handled by an insurance company, consulting with legal counsel early on can make sure that a lawsuit remains viable within that two-year time frame.

Call a San Jose Attorney About Spinal Cord Injury Claims Today

The aftermath of a spinal cord injury can involve intense medical care, confusion, and even apprehension about the future. Attorneys can help with the process by supporting a victim as they recover and consider making a compensation claim.

Solution Now Law Firm has lawyers with insurance experience and a client-first mindset, and our firm stands ready to support clients with various types of spinal cord injuries in San Jose and the surrounding area. Contact our office by phone or through our website to see what we can do for you.

Solution Now Law Firm

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SAN JOSE, CA 95126
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