Do Heads Up Devices Live Up to the Hype?

Do Heads Up Devices Live Up to the Hype?

As we speak, many teams of scientists and marketing professionals are working to develop, patent, and market new inventions to make us more productive and comfortable.  Every so often, a fancy new gadget really does change our lives.  The world was very different before GPS navigation and mobile phones, to name just two.  In the old days, if you got lost while driving, you just had to look at a map or ask a stranger for directions, and if you were late getting home because you got lost, your family just had to worry about you until you called from a pay phone.  Most of the truly transformative inventions, at least as concerns automobiles, are quite simple; the seat belt has done more to prevent serious injuries in car accidents than any other feature, at least since the invention of the steering wheel.  Most of the truly fancy gadgets are just fads, glorified stocking stuffers.  One such invention, heads up devices, aims to prevent distracted driving, but the devices might actually make the problem worse.  For questions about what to do after being injured in a distracted driving accident, contact a Santa Clara County distracted driving lawyer.

Are Heads Up Devices Just Another Distraction?

While California tends only to issue distracted driving traffic tickets for distractions related to cell phone use, anything that causes you to avert your eyes from the road while you are driving is a distraction.  Of course, many of the reasons that people want to use cell phones behind the wheel are actually to improve their driving, not detract from it.  For example, your phone can give you useful information about routes, traffic conditions, and weather along your route.  Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to find out that information without having to take your eyes off the road?  One possible solution to this problem is the heads up device (HUD).   A few models of cars offer HUDs as optional upgrades; you can also buy them separately for several hundred dollars.

HUDs have their detractors, though, including Andrew Collins of Jalopnik.  Collins reasons that HUDs create more distractions than they prevent.  For example, he finds it annoying that the HUD display flashes on your windshield every time your speed, the speed limit, or the temperature changes.  In his opinion, it would be less distracting just to look at the dashboard to see how fast you are going and to look at road signs when driving on a road where you do not have the speed limit memorized.  As for temperatures, it is important to know when the temperature is below freezing or when it is dangerously hot, but keeping your eyes on the road is more important than finding out that the temperature decreased from 65 to 64 degrees.

Contact Us Today for Help

San Jose distracted driving accident lawyer can help you if your injuries are the result of an accident caused by distracted driving.  Contact Solution Now Law Firm for help with your case.

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