Hip-Hop Legend Sues Uber After Getting Injured in Multi-Vehicle Crash

Hip-Hop Legend Sues Uber After Getting Injured in Multi-Vehicle Crash

Why are there so few car accident lawsuits when there are so many car accidents caused by obvious negligence on the part of one of the drivers?  Often, it is because, even if you went to trial and the judge awarded you all the money you were requesting to compensate for your medical expenses and lost income, the driver would probably not be able to pay it.  Therefore, personal injury lawyers often help clients negotiate for a better settlement from the insurance company instead of advising them to sue the driver.  You have a better chance of recovering damages in a personal injury lawsuit if one of the parties responsible for your accident is a company, since they have lawsuits judgments built into their budget.  If the driver that caused your accident was working for a rideshare company like Uber or Lyft, you might be able to collect damages from the company; how much you can collect depends on what kind of rideshare-related duties the driver was doing at the time; rideshare drivers are independent contractors, so whether they were “at work” at the time of the accident is legally a matter of degree instead of simply a yes/no question.  If you have been injured in an accident involve a rideshare driver, contact a San Jose rideshare accident lawyer.

Sandra Denton’s Lawsuit Against Uber

Depending on your age, you either know Sandra Denton as the rapper Pepa from the pioneering hip-hop group Salt-N-Pepa in the 80s or from her later career as a television personality.  On July 1, 2018, Denton was injured in a multi-vehicle collision in Los Angeles.  At the time of the accident, Denton was a passenger in a friend’s car; her friend was driving on Freeway 101 near Sherman Oaks.  An Uber car rear-ended their vehicle, causing it to collide with the car in front of it in a chain reaction crash.  Denton suffered injuries to her back and neck as a result of the collision.

In the lawsuit, Denton alleges that the driver failed to use reasonable caution when driver.  Specifically, the driver followed her too closely and at too high a speed, making it impossible to stop in time to avoid a collision.  New reports about the accident mention that Uber was one of the parties Denton named as a defendant in her lawsuit, but they did not specify what the other parties were.  They also did not specify whether the Uber driver was carrying a passenger at the time of the accident or the amount in damages that Denton is seeking in the lawsuit.

Let Us Help You Today

If the driver that caused your accident was working for a rideshare company, the company may or may not be a responsible party in the accident.  A San Jose car accident lawyer can help you determine the best way to proceed  Contact Solution Now Law Firm for a consultation on your case.

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