Traffic Laws for Bicyclists in San Jose

Traffic Laws for Bicyclists in San Jose

While this is a great city for cyclists, a number of laws apply to riders. These regulations are designed to protect against accidents with larger vehicles while allowing a person on a bicycle to use the road like anyone else.

You need to understand traffic laws for bicyclists in San Jose. Following these rules can reduce the chances of an accident but can never prevent one entirely. A dedicated bicycle accident attorney from the Solution Now Law Firm could help you pursue compensation after being hurt in a bike crash.

State Bike Laws

The state offers a wide range of traffic laws that apply to cyclists in San Jose. They govern everything from where a person can ride to how their bike is equipped. Statutes also highlight how motorists must interact with cyclists in their path.

Where Riding is Permitted

Cyclists share many of the same rights to travel on public roads as motorists. If they can keep up with traffic, they can ride where they like. If they intend to move slower, it is necessary to remain as close to the righthand side of the roadway as possible. While some dedicated lanes split off from the street in some cases, using them is not required.

Highways and freeways are generally off-limits. The California Department of Transportation can bar bikes from these busy roadways. The same regulations and limitations also apply to toll roads.

Authorized Equipment

There are strict rules on the equipment a person can use and carry when riding. For example, riders are not allowed to wear helmets, and those under 18 must wear one. Bikes must have working brakes, handlebars that do not go above a rider’s shoulders, and a series of reflectors that make them visible at night.

Vehicles and Bikes

Anyone operating a motor vehicle must give cyclists traveling in the same direction plenty of room as they pass. The law requires cars and trucks to remain at least three feet away from bikes when passing. If this amount of room is not possible, a driver must wait until it is safe to overtake them.

Local Biking Ordinances

Most rules for cyclists are enacted on the state level, but San Jose has some municipal ordinances related to the storage and use of bikes in traffic. For example, the city requires owners to park their bikes in dedicated bike racks on streets where they are available. The police can impound bicycles that do not comply with this regulation.

The city also mandates where a person can ride, including prohibitions on designated sidewalks. There is also an ordinance related to yielding the right-of-way when crossing a sidewalk while exiting from a side street or alleyway.

Discuss Bicycle Traffic Safety Laws with an Attorney in San Jose

Complying with the traffic laws for bicyclists in San Jose is an important step toward staying safe while riding. Unfortunately, negligent motorists can still jeopardize you despite your best efforts. If you were struck by a car and injured, contact the Solution Now Law Firm today for a consultation.

Solution Now Law Firm

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