San Jose Child Injury Lawyer

San Jose Child Injury Lawyer

Unfortunately, accidents can happen under just about any circumstances and affect children who did nothing other than be in the wrong place at the wrong time. When your child is hurt because of another person’s reckless misconduct, it is important to understand that you have legal options for seeking justice.

The prospect of taking legal action may feel overwhelming, but our skilled injury attorneys at Solution Now Law Firm are here to help. From start to finish of any legal action you wish to pursue, a dedicated San Jose child injury lawyer could stand by your side, protect your best interests, and work tirelessly to pursue the compensation your family deserves.

Filing Suit on an Injured Child’s Behalf

In some respects, the process of demanding civil compensation for a child’s injuries is similar to personal injury claims between adults. To recover fair compensation, child injury cases must still be built around legal negligence. Establishing negligence requires proving that a named defendant directly caused an injury by breaching a duty of care they owed to the injured person— in this case, the injured child. An attorney could take the lead on a family’s behalf to gather the evidence needed to show how another person’s reckless actions caused a child to suffer harm.

Since minors cannot legally represent themselves, a parent or guardian generally must pursue personal injury litigation on their behalf. Note that there are legal protections in place to ensure that parents or guardians will not take advantage of compensation. When a parent or guardian reaches a settlement agreement out of court, a judge must review it and approve that it serves the child’s best interests. There are also options to store settlement funds until the child is old enough to take possession of them. A knowledgeable San Jose attorney could further explain the legal requirements for filing an injury claim on a child’s behalf.

Recoverable Damages in a Child Injury Claim

Even when a child recovers physically from their injuries with time and proper medical care, the emotional effects of an injury may last longer. If a childhood injury has permanent and physically debilitating consequences, the impact that injury may have on the child’s personal and professional life could be even greater.

With all this in mind, it is especially important to pursue compensation for past and future losses in a child injury case. Potential economic and non-economic damages in these cases include:

  • Emergency medical expenses
  • Expected future medical expenses, including costs of physical therapy, assistive equipment, and in-home assistance/care
  • Lost future working capacity
  • Physical discomfort and pain
  • Psychological trauma and emotional distress
  • Lost enjoyment/quality of life
  • Lost wages/salary for parent(s) or guardian(s) caring for their injured child

A caring San Jose child injury attorney could help a family calculate their losses and pursue a compensation amount accordingly.

Reach Out to a Compassionate San Jose Child Injury Attorney

No child deserves to get hurt because an adult around them acted irresponsibly or unlawfully. Unfortunately, situations arise where people do not take the necessary steps to protect children from harm. When this happens, you could pursue compensation on your child’s behalf.

While you focus on helping your child recover, an attorney could take the lead to build an injury claim that meets all requirements and deadlines. Assistance from a seasoned San Jose child injury lawyer could make all the difference in how your case goes. Contact Solution Now Law Firm today to learn more about what we could do for you.

Solution Now Law Firm

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SAN JOSE, CA 95126
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