Among all the injuries a traumatic car accident can cause, high-degree burns tend to be some of the most physically painful and debilitating. Unfortunately, burn injuries commonly result in permanent scarring, loss of sensation, and even life-threatening infections. Additionally, the psychological scars associated with this injury can last just as long as the physical ones.
When you sustain this kind of injury because another person was careless or reckless around you, a Sunnyvale burn injury lawyer could help you demand fair compensation for all your injury-related losses. From collecting evidence of fault for your accident to estimating the value of future damages, our seasoned catastrophic injury attorneys at Solution Now Law Firm could be your dedicated allies throughout every stage of your case.
Whether it stems from a fire, exposure to superheated liquid or steam, exposure to caustic chemicals, or any other source, the legal process of filing suit over a serious burn injury works the same as any other type of injury. With relatively few exceptions, the ensuing lawsuit or settlement demand will be built around the legal theory of negligence. This involves proving that a named “defendant” acted in an irresponsible way that ran contrary to their “duty of care” and which directly caused the “plaintiff” filing suit to suffer a burn.
For example, all motor vehicle drivers have essentially the same “duty” to obey traffic laws, pay attention to their surroundings, and react rationally to any hazards or driving conditions they encounter on the road. Any driver who instead acts unlawfully or irresponsibly—whether it is as overt as a traffic infraction or as subtle as a momentary lapse in concentration—has breached their duty of care. When that breach is the direct and primary cause of a crash, all the criteria necessary to establish negligence are met. A skilled Sunnyvale attorney could build a legal case around the defendant’s negligence that seeks compensation for the effects of an ensuing burn injury.
Not every injury that results from someone else’s negligence qualifies as grounds for a civil lawsuit. This is because one of the prerequisites for legal “negligence,” as defined above, is the causation of an injury serious enough to require some kind of professional medical care. For instance, first-degree burns that will heal entirely on their own without any treatment beyond basic first aid may not be severe enough to warrant a legal claim.
On the other hand, second-degree and third-degree burns, which damage multiple tissue layers and may cause permanent scarring, are almost always bad enough to justify a lawsuit. Our proactive burn injury lawyers in Sunnyvale could help factor all applicable medical bills into such a claim, as well as other economic and non-economic forms of harm, including:
Severe burns can be difficult to treat and frequently result in life-changing physical and financial losses. While you receive professional medical care to address the physical harm you have sustained, our dedicated attorneys could help you demand comprehensive compensation to restore your finances and help limit the personal losses the accident causes you.
A Sunnyvale burn injury lawyer at Solution Now Law Firm could explain your legal rights and possible filing options in more detail during a private consultation. Call today to schedule yours.
Solution Now Law Firm