Sunnyvale Motorcycle Helmet Laws

Sunnyvale Motorcycle Helmet Laws

While motorcycles are fun modes of transportation, they are not as safe as other vehicles because they cannot protect riders on the road. When a motorcycle collides with a car or truck, the motorcyclist is often at risk of suffering catastrophic harm, such as traumatic brain injuries.  Sunnyvale motorcycle helmet laws require all motorcycle riders to wear approved helmets to protect motorcyclists.

Hard-working lawyers at Solution Now Law Firm understand how devastating motorcycle crashes can be. Our team of motorcycle accident attorneys could review the evidence from your accident to see if you have viable grounds to pursue a personal injury claim for compensation.

Relevant Helmet Laws

Most states have enacted motorcycle helmet laws, but some have only limited or partial helmet laws that are often age-based. In these states, riders over a certain age do not have to wear helmets. Meanwhile, this state has a universal helmet law that requires everyone, regardless of age, to wear a helmet.

California Vehicle Code § 27803 states that all motorcycle drivers and passengers must wear a safety helmet that attaches to helmet straps and fits their heads securely; this applies to motorized bicycles and motorcycles in Sunnyvale.

Because helmets protect motorcycle riders, a lack of a helmet could result in an increased risk of severe head injuries in an accident. Additionally, not wearing an approved safety helmet could result in a citation and a fine.

Seasoned local lawyers could explain how the state’s helmet laws might apply to the individual case.

How the Lack of a Helmet Could Potentially Affect a Legal Claim

Failure to wear a helmet should not affect an injured motorcyclist’s ability to sue for damages. Experienced local attorneys could skillfully investigate a crash to determine what happened and who is to blame and help an injured person prove that someone else is responsible for the crash.

However, the lack of a helmet could reduce the damages an injured motorcyclist could recover. This state operates with a pure comparative fault system, which still allows an injured motorcyclist to pursue damages against another responsible party, such as the car driver who hit them, even if they bear some responsibility for the crash or their injuries.

Under the comparative negligence system, a court would assign percentages of blame and then reduce the recoverable damages by that percentage. For instance, if the lack of a helmet caused a motorcyclist to experience severe facial lacerations or a brain injury, the court could reduce the damages by the amount that a helmet might have reduced the head injuries. A dedicated legal team in Sunnyvale could assign a group of expert witnesses to the case, who help the attorneys build a strong case for fair compensation, regardless of the lack of a helmet.

Connect With Sunnyvale Attorneys About Motorcycle Helmet Rules

Motorcycle riders and passengers are supposed to wear safety helmets to protect their heads from unnecessary injuries in an accident.

When you experience severe harm in a crash and worry about recovering damages, reach out to our team of lawyers to learn more about how Sunnyvale motorcycle helmet laws could affect your compensation. Call the lawyers from Solution Now Law Firm today to get started on your case.

Solution Now Law Firm

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