Failure to Yield Car Accidents in San Mateo

Failure to Yield Car Accidents in San Mateo

In addition to obeying posted traffic signs and painted traffic patterns, motor vehicle drivers in California are also expected to yield to other vehicles and pedestrians under specific, consistent conditions. Failure to do this, causing a wreck, may result in administrative and criminal penalties for violating state law and civil liability for injuries and losses resulting from the crash.

Achieving favorable outcomes from failure to yield car accidents in San Mateo may be challenging. Fortunately, the auto accident lawyers at Solution Now Law Firm are here to assist you. We offer streamlined communication, expert guidance for every case, and quick resolution turnarounds – always putting our clients first.

Right-of-Way Laws

Most right-of-way laws are outlined in California Vehicle Code § 21800. This code establishes the following rules for yielding to other traffic:

  • Drivers approaching an intersection should yield to vehicles entering from a different highway
  • When two or more vehicles arrive at an intersection simultaneously, each driver should yield to the driver on their right
  • At four-way-stop intersections, all drivers should yield to the vehicle on their right
  • When approaching an intersection with non-functioning traffic lights, drivers must come to a complete stop and yield to vehicles on their right that arrived at the same time

Additionally, drivers are required to yield in specific situations:

  • When turning left or making a U-turn, drivers must yield to oncoming traffic on the road they are turning across or onto
  • When approaching an intersection, drivers are required to yield to traffic already within the intersection
  • Drivers must yield to pedestrians in marked or unmarked crosswalks

Failure to yield car crashes in San Mateo can be particularly complex if there are multiple vehicles involved. Our lawyers could review the circumstances of the crash and determine if it was caused by someone failing to yield as required by law.

Proving Fault for a Collision

Failing to yield is illegal and constitutes a breach of the duty that all drivers have to act responsibly. If this failure is the primary and direct cause of an otherwise preventable accident, it could be considered legal negligence. However, applying these rules may be subjective in certain circumstances, and police accident reports may not always cite a driver for failing to yield.

As a result, individuals injured in failure to yield collisions in San Mateo often need to prove that another person directly caused the wreck and their injuries. Legal counsel could collect and utilize evidence, including witness testimony, traffic and dashboard camera footage, accident scene photos and videos, and insights from accident reconstruction experts to build a persuasive case.

Speak to an Attorney After a Failure To Yield Car Wreck in San Mateo

Understanding that someone else is responsible for your car accident is one thing, but proving that their failure to yield caused the wreck and that they should be financially liable for your losses is difficult. Given the complexity and subjectivity of failure to yield car accidents in San Mateo, having seasoned legal counsel is critical for obtaining your deserved compensation.

At Solution Now Law firm, our lawyers have extensive experience working at insurance companies and know how to negotiate effectively for fair settlements. Call us today to discover how our attorneys could help you.

Solution Now Law Firm

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SAN JOSE, CA 95126
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