Distracted Driving Car Accidents in San Mateo

Distracted Driving Car Accidents in San Mateo

Distracted driving poses a serious threat to drivers, pedestrians, and bikers on the road. Every day, negligent drivers in California cause accidents and serious injuries. Looking away from the road—even for a second—can cause severe consequences. When you are injured in a car accident due to another driver’s negligence, you can pursue compensation with the help of a trusted personal injury lawyer familiar with distracted driving car accidents in San Mateo.

After a crash, you might be worried about covering the cost of your medical care or missing time from work during your recovery. A skilled car wreck attorney could help you recover damages for your losses related to the accident caused by a distracted driver. Call Solution Now Law Firm to learn more about your legal rights and remedies.

Types of Distractions

There are different types of distractions that drivers encounter. When looking to prove fault in a crash, it is essential to consider the nature of the distraction. Some forms of distraction may make it more difficult to prove negligence, so it is wise to consult a lawyer about how to demonstrate liability in distracted driving car crash cases in San Mateo. The most common types of these wrecks include:

Visual Distraction

This happens when a driver takes their eyes off the road to text, change the radio, look out the window, or use a GPS. Visual distractions are a leading cause of vehicle accidents.

Cognitive Distraction

Sometimes, people’s minds wander while driving, taking their attention off the cars around them. Perhaps they were distracted because they were daydreaming or dealing with personal issues and not fully paying attention to the road.

Manual Distraction

This occurs whenever the driver has to take their hands off the wheel. Manual distractions can include eating or drinking, texting, changing the radio, or similar activities.

Drivers must refrain from distractions as their behavior can seriously harm other vehicles.

California’s Distracted Driving Laws

Texting while driving is one of the most severe distractions at the wheel because it requires the driver to take their hands and eyes off the road.

It is unlawful to use a cell phone or similar device while driving. There are exceptions for hands-free devices like speaker phones and Bluetooth, but the driver cannot hold the phone. Moreover, drivers under eighteen are prohibited from using their cellular devices.

Steps to Take After a Distracted Driving Collision

When someone is injured in a distracted driving accident, there are essential steps they should take to preserve a claim:

  1. First, contact the police and get medical attention for any injuries, and be sure to retain any medical bills
  2. If possible, gather evidence to support the case. Take photographs and videos of the accident scene, speak to eyewitnesses about what happened, and ask for a copy of the police report
  3. Contact an attorney familiar with San Mateo distracted driving car crashes for help filing a claim for injuries and other losses related to the crash

Seeking help during this difficult time could ensure injured parties get the compensation they need to recover losses caused by the accident. Consider seeking legal guidance at Solution Now Law Firm today.

A San Mateo Distracted Driving Car Accident Attorney Could Help

When you are hurt in an accident because of a distracted driver, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. At Solution Now Law Firm, we understand the physical, financial, and emotional challenges you may encounter after distracted driving car accidents in San Mateo. Those who engage in distracted driving can and should be held responsible.

The dedicated lawyers at our firm could help gather evidence to prove fault if the other driver was distracted and caused the crash. To schedule a free and confidential consultation, contact our office by texting or calling today.

Solution Now Law Firm

Solution Now Law Firm N/a

SAN JOSE, CA 95126
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