Common Causes of Truck Accidents in San Jose

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in San Jose

A truck may appear similar to a large car, with an engine, wheels, pedals, and fuel, but its size and shape distinguish it from regular vehicles. Just like cars, trucks can be involved in accidents. Common causes of truck accidents in San Jose include driver negligence, inadequate maintenance, and manufacturer defects.

If you have been injured by a truck, contact the accomplished lawyers at Solution Now Law Firm. Our experienced truck accident attorneys could develop a legal strategy based on the cause of your wreck and achieve a quick resolution for your case.

Driver Negligence

Driver negligence may be the most common cause of 18-wheeler accidents in San Jose. Negligence refers to a driver’s failure to operate their vehicle safely. Truck drivers must maintain control of their vehicles and adhere to traffic laws. A knowledgeable attorney could thoroughly investigate the crash to determine the cause and assign fault.

Speed limits are designed for everyone’s safety. Driving above the posted limit can be dangerous and may be considered negligence. Similarly, distractions such as texting can impair a driver’s ability to control a truck, increasing the risk of accidents. Truck drivers need to be especially vigilant because of the size and weight of their vehicles. Failure to check blind spots before changing lanes may also be considered negligent.

Other Sources of Liability

Negligence may involve more than just the driver, as several parts of a truck require care and maintenance. The cargo in a tractor-trailer must be securely loaded to prevent objects from shifting during transit. If the cargo is not loaded correctly, those responsible for loading the truck could be at fault.

The seasoned accident lawyers at Solution Now Law Firm could review the crash details and identify all potential negligent parties.

Inadequate Maintenance

Commercial transportation companies primarily own big rigs to haul heavy cargo across long distances. These companies are responsible for maintaining their fleet, not just for their employees, but for other drivers as well.

Semi-trailers, which travel thousands of miles, require regular inspections and repairs to ensure they are in working condition. If a trucking company neglects proper fleet maintenance, it could be held liable for accidents caused by mechanical failures. For instance, a loose wheel could lead to a collision if a truck’s wheels are not correctly inflated and secured.

These are just some of the key factors related to vehicle maintenance that can be attributed to San Jose truck wrecks. Holding a company accountable can be challenging, but an experienced truck accident attorney could help pursue compensation for damages.

Manufacturer Defects

Sometimes, common causes of truck collisions in San Jose could be attributed to the manufacturer rather than the driver or the transportation company. Faulty parts or defective designs in a new semi-trailer model, such as a poorly fitting brake pad, could cause a crash. If a defective brake pad prevents a big rig from stopping, leading to a collision, the manufacturer might be held responsible.

Filing a claim against a truck manufacturer is more complex than suing a driver or trucking company. The diligent lawyers at Solution Now Law Firm could help manage an individual’s case and hold the manufacturer accountable for their crash.

Talk to a San Jose Attorney To Learn More About the Leading Causes of Truck Wrecks

You should be aware of the several common causes of truck accidents in San Jose to avoid a crash. If you sustained injuries in a big rig collision, contact the skilled attorneys at Solution Now Law Firm to review your case, identify liable parties, and discuss the next steps.

We prioritize quality service, treating you as more than just a number. We are proud to offer streamlined communication, allowing you to text our main phone number. Do not wait – speak with our team today.

Solution Now Law Firm

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