Why Uber is Making Roads Dangerous

Why Uber is Making Roads Dangerous

Ridesharing Increases Traffic

Theoretically, ridesharing could decrease traffic by allowing a single car to serve dozens of people throughout the day. However, this is not what has happened. In some cities, Uber and Lyft have increased traffic on the road by as much as 13 percent, according to StreetsBlog. And, to make matters worse, traffic congestion is non linear, meaning that once a few extra cars are on the road and that road surpasses the threshold of traffic designed for, congestion rises dramatically. When congestion rises, so too do collisions.

But Ridesharing Decreases Drunk Driving, Right?

Another common misconception is that Uber and Lyft decrease drunk driving. It seems logical, but research is mixed. While many studies show that ride sharing reduces drunk driving, many others do not, according to the New York Times. More evidence is needed at this stage. However, one could simply look at the percent of fatal collisions caused by alcohol before Uber and Lyft became prevalent, and compare that percentage to today. In 2010, 30 percent of fatal crashes were caused by driving under the influence. In 2018, that percentage was 29, statistically insignificant considering DUI fatalities have been dropping steadily for years (in 1990, 40 percent of road fatalities were caused by driving under the influence, according to the Insurance Information Institute).

Ridesharing Also Decreases Public Transportation Usage

Public transportation like buses, light rail, and subways are, by far, the safest form of transportation for those on board. Uber and Lyft have been decreasing the use of public transportation. Theoretically, as more people choose ridesharing options instead of public transportation, the roads could not only become more dangerous, but less accessible for low income people, people who live in underserved communities, and minorities (it has been well documented that minorities face severe discrimination when it comes to being picked up by ridesharing drivers).

Overall, Uber and Lyft Increase the Death Toll and It Is Mostly Due to Increased Traffic

According to the authors of a 2018  University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business research paper, two to three percent of collisions are attributed to ridesharing, according to Bloomberg. The reason? Traffic density. The researchers do not suggest that rideshare drivers are less safe than other drivers when it comes to speeding, texting, using apps, and driving aggressively. The sheer increase in the number of vehicles on the road that Uber and Lyft are responsible for are making the roads less safe. Congestion causes more hazards for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists, and the more cars on the road, the more dangerous they become. As such, Uber and Lyft have done the opposite of what they claim to be doing (decreasing traffic and making transportation safe and easy).

Call a San Jose Uber and Lyft Injury Attorney Today

If you were injured in a ridesharing crash, whether you were a pedestrian, occupant in another vehicle, cyclist, or occupant in the Uber or Lyft vehicle, you deserve to be fairly compensated. Call a San Jose personal injury lawyer at Solution Now Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation.






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