Steps to Protect Yourself Financially as an Injured Cyclist

Steps to Protect Yourself Financially as an Injured Cyclist

Bicyclists face dangerous conditions here in San Jose. The Mayor of San Jose was recently hit while riding his bike by a careless driver, suffering two fractured vertebrae and a broken sternum, according to San Jose Inside. San Jose is the deadliest city in the South Bay for bike riding, according to an independent analysis. Whether you were injured commuting to work, riding recreationally in the countryside, or just tooling around in your neighborhood, you have the right to pursue financial compensation from the at-fault party. However, as a cyclist, you are facing serious biases held by nearly everyone in the legal system. From the police officer who writes the official accident report and the judge and jury if your case goes to trial, to insurance adjusters and the attorneys and state legislatures that wrote traffic laws years ago, just about everyone has a negative opinion of cyclists, unless they happen to be a cyclist themselves. As such, you need to work with an aggressive San Jose attorney who will pursue maximum compensation and ensure that you are not held responsible for the crash.

At the Scene

Obviously if you have already been injured, you cannot go back in time to the scene of the collision and re-do anything. However, if you did do any of the following, you are off to a good start.

  • Get the driver’s information, including name, phone number, address, driver’s license number, photograph, license plate number, and make and model of the car.
  • Take photos of the scene, including the at-fault driver’s car, your bike, your injuries, and the surrounding area where the crash occurred.
  • Get contact information from any witnesses.
  • Take an ambulance ride to the hospital—this will help prove that your injuries are as substantial as you say.
  • Go to the hospital right away if you end up not taking an ambulance ride.

In the Days or Weeks Following the Crash

If you have not yet gone to the hospital, urgent care, or doctor’s office, you must do so immediately, even if the crash occurred days or weeks ago. This is vital in order to prove the severity of your injuries. Many injured cyclists who are able to limp away or call someone to pick them up, simply go home and try to forget about the traumatic event, instead of properly addressing their injuries with professional medical help. The flight response is strong among seriously injured victims, and their condition may not be fully realized until a few days after the crash.

Contact an Attorney

The next step is to call an attorney. The sooner you call a lawyer, the better your chances are of winning your claim against the negligent party. Do not wait to call an attorney until it is too late.

Our San Jose Bike Attorneys Can Help

No matter how minor to severe your injuries are, our experienced San Jose bicycle accident attorneys here at the Solution Now Law Firm can help you get back on your feet financially. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.


Solution Now Law Firm

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