California has more registered motorcycles than any other state. Unfortunately, more motorcyclists on the road also means accidents are more likely. Since motorcyclists generally only have the protection of a helmet, the consequences of these collisions can be catastrophic.
Although dangerous road conditions can cause accidents, many preventable collisions happen because a motorist is negligent. Drivers train themselves to watch out for other cars and trucks but may not see smaller vehicles like motorcycles. Being aware of the common causes of motorcycle accidents in San Jose can help you understand your risk and potentially avoid dangerous accidents. In the event that you are hurt by a negligent driver, a savvy motorcycle wreck attorney could help you get the compensation you need.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) collects information on various road accidents, including those involving motorcycles. Motorcyclists are injured in road accidents four times more often than other motorists on the road. Motorcycle accidents are also 28 times more deadly than other types of collisions.
California has enacted a universal helmet law requiring all motorcycle drivers and passengers to wear helmets regardless of age. Helmets are proven to save lives, but when motorists act recklessly, accidents can still happen. Some common causes of motorcycle wrecks in San Jose include the following:
Motorists rushing onto the Almaden Expressway often fail to check mirrors and blind spots. This can cause drivers to strike motorcyclists who are already in the lane, leading to serious accidents.
When a driver who is parallel parked opens their car door into the path of an approaching motorcyclist, this is known as “dooring.” Dooring can be dangerous for everyone involved.
Drivers who fail to properly observe their surroundings might make a left turn directly into the path of an oncoming motorcyclist. This can lead to T-bone crashes, which often result in significant injuries for motorcyclists.
A driver who is not paying attention to the road ahead of them might end up braking at the last minute and smashing into a motorbike from behind.
A driver who exceeds the speed limit may cut off other vehicles, including motorcycles. This can cause motorcyclists to lose control and crash.
Motorcyclists can suffer a variety of injuries from an accident, from mild road rash to paralysis and brain injuries. Medical bills can be extensive, and the injured party could lose months of wages during their recovery. When a driver is careless or reckless, motorcyclists could take legal action to recover the cost of medical bills and other losses.
Injured motorcyclists can look to the at-fault driver for compensation through an insurance settlement or damages award after winning a negligence lawsuit. California is an at-fault state, meaning the insurer for the party who caused the accident will pay for the injured motorcyclist’s claim. On top of medical expenses and lost wages, disfigurement, emotional distress, and property damage are all factors a jury can consider when determining compensation.
Insurance companies are for-profit enterprises that often attempt to settle for as little as possible. A San Jose attorney who understands the common causes of motorcycle wrecks could build a case demonstrating why an at-fault party should be held liable. The lawyers at Solution Now Law Firm are skilled at dealing with the various tactics insurers use to lowball a settlement. If negotiations are not successful, a determined attorney can also file a negligence lawsuit to get you the payments you deserve.
Knowing the common causes of motorcycle accidents in San Jose can help motorists and bikers take steps to avoid a potentially catastrophic wreck. When reckless or careless motorists do cause motorcycle accidents, injured bikers have the right to recover their losses. However, it may be difficult to manage insurance companies alone.
At Solution Now Law Firm, we assign a team of experts to every case to deal with stubborn insurance companies so that you can focus on your recovery. Call now to set up your free consultation at our office.
Solution Now Law Firm