Injuries from Motorcycle Accidents in San Jose

Injuries from Motorcycle Accidents in San Jose

Many San Jose residents enjoy riding motorcycles as a hobby or a preferred transportation method. While most riders follow safety rules and regulations, many collisions occur because of another driver’s reckless actions.

For help with recovering compensation after sustaining injuries from motorcycle accidents in San Jose, contact Solution Now Law Firm. Our skilled motorcycle wreck attorneys are prepared to give your case the attention it needs to get the outcome you deserve.

Common Motorcycle Crash Injuries

Motor vehicle crashes of all types can leave drivers and passengers with painful injuries. However, motorcycles do not provide the same protection as other vehicles, leaving riders vulnerable to catastrophic or fatal injuries. Many of these injuries could leave riders unable to work, making medical bills even more burdensome. Some of the most common motorcycle wreck injuries in San Jose include the following:

A motorcyclist should seek immediate medical care after a motorcycle accident. Not only is quick medical care conducive to a proper recovery, but it is also a crucial step in building a compensation claim. After getting medical attention, it is important to contact a lawyer who can start collecting evidence of negligence.

Safety Helmet Requirements in San Jose

Severe skull fractures and traumatic brain injuries can cause lifelong disability or death for motorcycle riders. The strong force from the crash often throws riders off the bike or causes flying objects to cause severe head and neck trauma. Brain injuries from an accident can be mild to severe depending on the force, and the best protection for motorcycle riders and passengers is to wear helmets.

According to the California Vehicle Code § 27803, all motorcycle and motorized bike operators and passengers must wear a helmet approved by the California Department of Transportation. Riding without a helmet or traveling with a passenger not wearing protective gear is unlawful. Helmets must also fit the driver’s and passenger’s heads snugly and should be firmly secured with straps. Helmets that the Department of Transportation requires should have a certification sticker.

Motorcycle riders who are not wearing a helmet when they are injured in an accident may be subject to comparative fault laws. These laws allow courts to assign a certain percentage of fault to a plaintiff and limit their compensation limit compensation based on that amount. The defendant’s attorney could argue that by not wearing a helmet, a motorcyclist contributed to their own injuries. Any questions about how wearing a helmet impacts a potential injury case should be directed to a knowledgeable attorney.

Call a San Jose Attorney to Take Legal Action After Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Motorcycles can be thrilling and fuel-efficient, and many individuals ride for years without ever being involved in an accident. Unfortunately, when accidents do occur, riders are vulnerable to severe injuries. A collision at any speed can have devastating consequences.

When a crash occurs because of another driver’s negligence, the civil court could entitle you to collect compensation from the liable party. For guidance through this legal process, call a lawyer who has experience getting fair compensation for injuries from motorcycle accidents in San Jose. Our team at Solution Now Law Firm is ready to get to work for you.

Solution Now Law Firm

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