Three Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident

Three Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident

Car accident injury lawsuits can be a good way to recover the financial stability that you lost after suffering a serious injury in a car accident.  A car accident lawyer can help you get the money you need to pay your medical bills and to replace the income you lost while you were unable to work because of your injuries.  Most of what personal injury lawyers do to help clients takes place outside a courtroom.  Phone calls and emails are not as cinematic as eloquent speeches in front of a judge, but in personal injury cases, they are at least as effective.  The outcome of your personal injury case also demands on what you do, though.  Contacting a Santa Clara County car accident lawyer as soon as possible after a car accident is the surest way to avoid these common mistakes.

Delaying Medical Treatment

Go to your doctor or a hospital emergency room to be examined on the same day as the accident, even if you think your injuries are so minor that they don’t require treatment.  This way, there is no room for ambiguity about when the injury occurred; your medical records will speak for themselves.  Even more importantly, some injuries don’t show symptoms immediately, but if they are diagnosed early, your doctors can intervene early to stop the injuries from getting worse.  If you leave the emergency room under the impression that your injuries will require costly treatment, you should contact a car accident lawyer at the earliest opportunity.

Giving Too Much Information to the Insurance Company

In the days and weeks following the accident, the insurance companies will try to find out information that will help them estimate the financial losses caused by the accident, as well as the future losses that will result from it.  One way they do this is by taking recorded statements from the parties involved.  If you give a recorded statement, the insurance company will listen to it multiple times, looking for inconsistencies in your version of events, and anything else that will justify their decision to pay you as little as possible.  Once you say something on a recording, even the most skillful lawyer can’t deny that you said it.  To avoid this problem, you should not give a recorded statement at all.  You should have your lawyer give the recorded statement on your behalf.

Signing the Settlement Offer Without Consulting a Lawyer

By signing the initial settlement offer the insurance company sends you, you are signing away your right to file a car accident lawsuit.  The best time to contact a car accident lawyer is before the insurance company even sends you the letter.  If you have not already done so, contact a lawyer when you receive the settlement offer letter, but do not sign it.  Your lawyer might be able to get you enough money to cover your medical bills just by negotiating with the insurance company.

Contact Us Today for Help

San Jose car accident lawyer knows just what to say and what not to say to insurance companies to put you in a strong position if you need to file a lawsuit.  Contact Solution Now Law Firm for assistance.

Solution Now Law Firm

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